People of Action
in Maumee, Ohio
Rotary Club of Maumee
Where neighbors, friends, and community
leaders take action to create lasting change.
Our meetings are now at:
Urban Pine Winery
3415 Briarfield, Maumee
All meetings will be at noon
Lunch is $22; prospective members do not pay a fee for attending their first meeting.
Please visit our calendar for speaker and meeting confirmation times.
Events may change these regular meeting dates or times, so please check our calendar or Facebook page for updated information. Please email at if you are planning to attend.
The easiest way to make a difference is to stand up and get involved. The Maumee Rotary Club is always looking for motivated, passionate residents and people from area businesses to join our cause. See our membership page.

Service Above Self
The Rotary Club of Maumee is focused on supporting our community and our world through charitable giving and volunteer work. Our mission is simple: Service Above Self. By supporting Rotary, we are able to contribute time, energy and resources to the local and international issues facing our world today.